Colombia Huila Garzón Mitaca

Colombia Huila Garzón Mitaca


VARIETALS: Caturra, Castillo, Typica


ELEVATION: 1,600 Meters

NOTES: Chocolate, Caramel, Cherry

Net Weight: 340 Grams (12 ounces)

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What Grind Should You Select?

Coarse: French Press, OXO/Toddy/Hario Cold Brew, Old Fashioned Stovetop Percolator

Medium-Coarse: French Press, Chemex, Pour-Overs

Medium: Auto-Drip, AeroPress, Chemex, Pour-Overs

Medium-Fine: Hario Pour-Over, AeroPress, Stovetop Moka Pots

Fine: Espresso (Ideally with a pressurized portafilter system) or Stovetop Moka Pots

Extra Fine: Turkish Coffee